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Flowtime Clock: What flowtime is it?

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What flowtime is it? Time displayed is Flowtime.

Flowtime: a form of decimal time

by Jesse Yoder

Most people take our time system for granted. If someone asks “What time is it?” there usually isn’t a lot of controversy about what system of time is being used. Nearly everyone worldwide uses a common system of time based on 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes per hour, and 60 seconds per minute. The only relativity that enters the picture is that the time is different depending on the time zone. So when it’s 8:00 am in New York, for example, it’s 1:00 pm in London.

The origins of our 24 hour clock go all the way back to the Egyptians and the Babylonians. The Egyptians divided the time from sunrise to sunset into ten hours of daylight.  They also had two hours of twilight and twelve hours of night.  This system goes back as far as 1300 B.C.  The total is 24 hours per day, which we still have in our time-keeping systems today.

The origin of our minute and second goes back to the Babylonians. The Babylonians did their astronomical calculations in a base 60 system.  The first fractional place in this base 60 system we now call a minute.  The second fractional place in this system we now call a second.

It is amazing that, after 3300 years, we are still operating on a system of time that was invented long before technology, and 2600 years before the invention of mechanical clocks (around 1300). Today we have many reasons to divide time into smaller and smaller units. Flowtime recognizes this, and it offers a system of time that harmonizes much better with our numbering systems in other areas of life. Most of these are based on the idea of ten. Decimal systems are very intuitive because we have ten fingers, and people find counting to ten on their fingers to be very intuitive.

Flowtime: An alternative system based on decimal time

This article proposes an alternative time system based on decimal time.  While there are clear advantages to having everyone be on the same time system, there are also some important advantages to a decimal time system.  But first, what is the proposal?

The proposal for decimal time is to switch the counting of minutes and seconds from sixty divisions to 100 divisions.  This proposal does not include any change in the number of hours per day.  It only proposes to increase the number of minutes in one hour from 60 to 100.  Likewise, it increases the number of seconds in a minute from 60 to 100.   

To easily convert from oldtime to flowtime, take the minutes or seconds in regular time and multiply by 5/3 or 1.67. The result is the minutes or seconds in flowtime. The hour remains the same.

An easy way to make the conversion is as follows: Take the minutes or seconds in regular time and multiply that figure by 2/3. Then add that value to the regular time value, and you have the flowtime value. For example, if it's 1:15, take 2/3 of 15, which is 10. Add 10 to 15, and you have the flowtime of 1:25.

What are the implications of this?  It means that, under flowtime, instead of the time being 1:30 pm, it will be 1:50 pm.  Instead of 3:45 pm, the time will be 3:75 pm.  Here is a comparison of relative times:  

Flowtime Timetable


Why change to flowtime? 

How to convert to flowtime

What do you think of flowtime? Would you like to make the switch from oldtime to flowtime? Let us know! Send an email to jesse@flowresearch.com, or use our Feedback Form.

Copyright © 2002 - 2003; Flow Research, Inc.


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